FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 3.1 | Updated: 06/20/2024
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide

Ship Details (Part 2)

Ships in Part 2
Razor VIMist StarProxymarOranKada VeniWrackrTriremeCinnriPhoenixBuhloo

Razor VI

Strong against: Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, General/Boomerang, General
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Lightfury

Main Weapon: Phase Disruptor

Survivability (Daily Missions): A+
Survivability (Community Missions): A+

  • (+) A deployed upfield barrier around invaders allows it to move around safely for a brief moment of time to focus fire its powerful main Phase Disruptor to take out invaders quickly. This is pretty repeatable every wave (Act 3 and above), making Razor VI easy to use.
  • (+) Barrier also allows a safe ML setup. You can even safely charge 2 consecutive MLs.
  • (+) Mini Barriers around yourself also work wonders for Razor VI and can extend your safety time further when you foresee the big barrier around the invaders to break soon. This allows some risky ML setups to be possible.
  • (+) Mini Barriers also allow for some last minute defence against an entire frontline of bullets converging onto you. Useful when fighting Rocs.
  • While Razor VI is offensive, once the wave dies down (to 1 or 2 small invaders), you can simply wait for the bullets to die down, unless you have an active barrier.
  • (+) One burst of Razor's main pops off a turret, assuming the shield is down.
  • (-) Razor VI's 6 forward firing lasers means that pretty precise positioning is needed to pop off the turret
  • (+) Razor VI's barrier help in positioning it underneath turrets.
  • (-) Unfortunately barriers against lasers is unreliable so do watch out for lasers and potentially breaking barriers.
  • (-) The strictly forward firing nature of Razor VI, both its Phase Disruptor and ML, means it can run into maneuverability issues after the barriers die down. This means that it can be difficult to place barriers upfield at the end of the wave, unless you waste time to allow most of the bullets from the field.
    • However, this isn't always the most ideal, if
  • (+) For a frontline Vulture, one burst of Phase Disruptor should be fired along with charging ML to almost instantly vaporize it.
    • This is because you should be taking advantage of the SB nature of Phase Disruptor which deals an astounding 2.5 times the normal 31.25 DPS, while the ML does a flat 170 damage.
    • Optimising the main timing gives it insane burst damage within ~3s: 62.5 damage from main, 1.9sec charging ML (taking into account ~0.1s for your reaction time), 170 damage from ML, 62.5 damage from main for the next 1sec, which means a whooping 295 total damage.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A

  • (+) The powerful Phase Disruptor destroys 2 Ravens in one burst.
  • (+) One burst of the Phase Disruptor also takes out 1 Shielded Heron just nice.
    • If you are lucky, you can also squeeze in 1 or 2 Sparrows in the same burst that takes the Heron too.
    • But be sure to focus fire on the Heron.
  • Each burst lasts 1s and it takes 1s to recharge.
  • Optimizing the Phase Disruptor is of absolute key, and the burst shots allow easy re-positioning. A rather quick sweep through of the Phase Disruptor also eliminates a whole line-up of sparrows in early Acts.
  • As more and more invaders are on subsequent waves, you should eliminate from left to right (or vice versa) so you don't waste the powerful Phase Disruptor.
  • Because of the Phase Disruptor's bursty nature, it is sometimes desirable to charge ML just as the Phase Disruptor starts to fire.
    • It is actually a mistake for many players to charge ML as the next wave approaches.
    • When the wave has 2 Eagles in front, a burst of Phase Disruptor should be fired first, and ideally one side of the Phase Disruptor hits each Eagle, stripping both their shields before ML goes into action.
    • Against Rocs, it would be usually more practical to fire off one ML just as the Roc arrives, and then fire a second ML after it's shield goes down, which is after 2 bursts of the Phase Disruptor.
      • A third ML is possible but not really recommended unless it is the last wave.
    • Against Condors, you could strip off the shield first, and then fire off the one ML, since firing 2 MLs on the Condor would incur too high of a charge time for subsequent waves.
  • Razor VI is one of the hardest ships to master properly, as there is no hard and fast rule on when to deploy barrier, other than the standard upfield shield which encloses the invaders. Sometimes you would use small barriers to allow easier movement and thus faster target switching, while at other times you would use small barriers to charge ML.
    • As a general rule of thumb, the first ML should be charged underneath an upfield barrier, while the subsequent MLs are likely to be charged inside a small barrier around yourself.
  • (-) The strictly forward firing nature of Razor VI, both its Phase Disruptor and ML, means it can run into maneuverability issues after the barriers die down. This means that it can be difficult to place barriers upfield at the end of the wave. In this case, finish off the last invaders and instead place a small barrier around yourself to charge ML for the next wave.
    • Then, after ML is released, ride the ML, grab the particles and put the upfield barrier.
  • For upfield Vultures blocked by 2 Eagles, 8 Ravens, or any frontline formation with somewhat similar of a health (do not count 2 Herons), you can use 2 MLs in the same wave. Deploy the barriers as usual, then use the Phase Disruptor to destroy a few invaders on one side of the field. Ride up the ML to grab their particles, deploy a second smaller barrier around yourself (if the previous one already broke), then charge ML as the next burst goes off. There should now be a hole on that side to reach the Vulture. Grab the particles, deploy a third barrier, then fire off another Phase Disruptor burst as you charge ML to eliminate the Vulture. Then clean up the rest.

Fun Factor: A

  • (+) The Phase Disruptor is easy to use due to the forward and sufficiently wide spread nature. The straightforward nature of the weapon is what makes Razor VI so popular.
  • (+) The Phase Disruptor feels powerful, particularly the impact it makes on invaders.
  • (-) The reactor position is a little awkward since it's at the back of the ship. Razor's reactor is hard to get used to.


  • The base form of Razor VI was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Razor VI was probably the most popular ship in the game before v5.0 due to the fact it is powerful, yet easily available (since it's rarity is common). However, the new mission layout introduced late into v5.0 made Razor VI too difficult to use due to the extremely dense wave formations. As of today, Razor VI is making a slight comeback due to how v6.3.9 wave formations are a bit more heavy.
  • Razor VI is commonly referred as a Horseman back in the early Phoenix 2 days.
  • Razor VI's main weapon used to be HI before it was changed to SB in the v3.0 update.
  • Razor VI is considered the last surviving real horseman, due to the fact since v3.5, SEMP got nerfed badly which stripped many Horsemen such as Cinnri and Photurius.
  • Razor VI is apparently one of the most commonly misspelled ships, as players would sometimes call it Razor IV instead of Razor VI (Note the Roman numerals).
  • Early versions (since retired) of the speed lasers were based off Razor VI's main weapon.
  • Before the v4.0 update which introduced Apex forms, the Sigma Apex of Razor VI was teased on the Phoenix 2 Reddit:
  • Here's an early sketch version of Razor VI:
  • Here's a representation of Razor VI flexing made by one of the game artists, Romano Molenaar:

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Beta (Barrier Reinforced Lining) - ¢10.000

Value: A-
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): A+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Improves capability to set up ML after placing barriers, allowing for a bit more grace time, since Razor VI is able to make use of its inner lining most of the time.
  • (+) Easier to set off 2 consecutive MLs from the increased inner lining strength that can survive the onslaught of bullets, which can help in waves with more larger invaders such as Eagles with Vultures.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [No change]

Fun Factor: A [No change]

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Sigma (ML Focused Beam) - ¢35.000

Value: A+
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): A+ [No significant change]

  • (+) The increase in damage allow some heavier waves to be survivable with only one ML instead of 2.
  • (+) More damage means less to contend with as the wave progresses
  • (-) The thinner ML means that Ravens can easily escape the ML.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [+]

  • (+) The overall buff in firepower is noticeable, especially against Vultures, Condors and Rocs.
  • Despite the fact that one burst of Phase Disruptor + ML afterwards can already eliminate a Vulture instantly, with increased ML damage, the Phase Disruptor should still be allowed to go off before charging ML.
    • You can say that the bonus ML damage can either continue to damage upfield invaders behind the Vulture, or the ML might catch any unsuspecting Raven that comes right in the path of the ML in front of the Vulture in the case of many Ravens downfield.

Fun Factor: A- [-]

  • (-) A thinner ML means a higher likelihood of missing Ravens and Sparrows, especially on denser waves, causing more frustration.

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Mist Star

Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Dart/MIRV, Dart/Pellet/Laser

Ship Class: Balanced

Main Weapon: Flux Seekers

  • Average DPS = 25
  • Homing = Perfect
  • Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
  • Rate of Fire = Fast
  • Projectile Speed = Fast
  • Reload Time = Medium
  • 4 successive sets of 2 homing projectiles that move in wavy patterns

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+
Survivability (Community Missions): C+

  • As the Flux Seeker fires in bursts, while the first of the flux seekers fire, engage Kappa to charge up a large SEMP. Disengage Kappa once the last of the flux seekers fire off. Obviously, don't do it when your Aura is already full.
  • (+) The capability to generate lots of SEMP gives you some flexibility to move around.
  • (-) Unfortunately, the lackluster DPS of Mist Star means that it is very easy to get overwhelmed by bullets and lasers easily.
  • (-) Because the main weapon is homing, and you have little control of where it wants to go, you have to force it to go where you want.
  • (+) Kappa can be used to generate a full or near full SEMP Aura size before the next wave fully arrives.
  • (+) Sparrows mean nothing to Mist Star because they should all be destroyed the instant the wave begins.
  • If there are invaders hiding behind larger invaders like Vultures or Eagles, use SEMP, then go behind and quickly take out the pesky Ravens. This allows you to refill SEMP quickly.
  • An SEMP at the start of the wave allows you to go near to Ravens to destroy them.
    • This forces the flux seekers to hit them and thus destroy them quickly. The particles collected from going in the face of several Ravens is sufficient to blast off a 2nd SEMP before the 1st one expires (given enough Ravens on field).
    • This means that after you have exhausted all your SEMPs, there should only be Herons or larger on field.
    • The Herons should also be heavily damaged or destroyed.
  • (-) The low DPS of Mist Star will make it struggle against Eagles and above. In such situations, make sure all the smaller invaders are eliminated before retreating to the bottom of the screen.
  • It's usually not possible to kill a Vulture before it fires its spinners, even after the initial SEMP. Let the spinners fire up for a while and graze off the bullets from the spinner. Just before you think that you are no longer able to handle the bullet walls created, fire the SEMP which should be large enough to keep the spinner from starting again too quickly. Just remember to kill off all the smaller invaders before that happens to gain back sufficient Aura to cover both spinners.
  • (+) Because of how Kappa can get you emergency Aura, and given how fast SEMP increases in radius with little particle input, it may serve you well to on occasions, sacrifice DPS and purely activate Kappa to generate just enough Aura and position yourself so that it just nice covers all dangerous turrets. This move is very useful when you are out of particles and are faced with deadly turrets like DDSMs that are just about to fire.
  • (-) Very hard to pop turrets with the Flux Seekers as you need to be right in front of the turrets to do so.
  • (-) The lackluster DPS of Mist Star doesn't help in popping turrets quickly.
  • After using SEMP to wipe out the Sparrows as the wave fully arrives, allow the Flux Seekers to go off before engaging Kappa.
  • (-) It is common to cancel the time slowdown by Kappa since it is easy to simply let go after using SEMP.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+

  • Spamming SEMP means that quite a lot of wide but small AoE damage can be done, making it slightly speedy for crowded missions that feature lots of Ravens and Sparrows.
  • Optimizing when to use SEMP is of absolute key in earlier waves. A slightly delayed SEMP to charge more Aura from Kappa makes all the difference in killing Sparrows or not. Be sure to abuse Kappa as much as you can in early waves as the SEMP damage will wipe Sparrows clean.
  • (+) The key to optimizing Mist Star is to know when to re-engage touch at the right time such that the next burst of Flux Seekers are ready to go off.
  • (-) The huge difficulty in speedrunning Mist Star comes in the fact that it is very hard to control where the Flux Seekers are going. This makes difficult to use the Flux Seekers to take down the shields of Ravens on field, before SEMP does so.

Fun Factor: B

  • (+) Interesting Flux Seekers that curve here and there.
  • (-) On the flip side, it means it's difficult to have Mist Star do what you want.
  • (-) The rhythm of Mist Star's Flux Seekers is hard to catch, so using Kappa between bursts is difficult.
  • (+) Spamming SEMP to watch invaders float around helplessly is fun.
  • (=) Neutral Flux Seeker impact sounds.


  • The base form of Mist Star was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The Flux Seekers are actually tiny versions of Mist Star, except without the middle wing.

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Lambda (SEMP Strong Stun) - ¢30.000

Value: B+
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [++]

  • (+) Makes a difference in heavier waves as these waves do not give you a lot of particles to work with.
  • (+) The additional stun time is useful particularly against Herons or larger invaders.
  • (+) Particularly, you could take out the middle turret of an Eagle with the longer stun after dealing with the Ravens. You could then opt to skip Herons since Eagle middle turrets can be more dangerous than Herons.
  • (=) Not much use in denser waves since particles are easily available for continuous stunning.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Taking out a dangerous turret can sometimes make a difference in being able to get close up to invaders at the end of the wave, thus being able to take out invaders faster end wave.

Fun Factor: B [No significant change]

  • (+) Better stunning capabilities make Mist Star a bit easier to play.

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Gamma (SEMP Extended Range) - ¢15.000

Value: B+
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • Encourages you use of SEMP in smaller bursts more often.
  • (+) The wider reach of SEMP allows it to more easily reset spinners that are further apart, especially those on Vultures or larger.
  • (+) The shorter time needed to achieve the same radius for less main weapon downtime to use Kappa can make all the difference in being able to quickly reset these dangerous turrets.
  • Be very careful as the SEMP duration does not change, which means for the same radius of SEMP, turret(s) stunned stay stunned for a shorter time.
    • Thus, it is a bad idea to stand near tracking dart turrets after launching an SEMP.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) For a decently sized SEMP Aura, it can make a difference in reaching a far away Raven or not.

Fun Factor: B [No significant change]

  • (+) Easier stunning capabilities make Mist Star a bit easier to play.

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser

Ship Class: Blitzkrieg

Main Weapon: Lightning Conduit

Survivability (Daily Missions): C-
Survivability (Community Missions): C-

  • (-) Low DPS, and absolutely no defence at all. Once trapped, you are dead.
  • (-) Very limited turret popping. Kill the invader, or die.
  • It is possible to go near to a turret and release MS to pop the turret off, but this can be very difficult.
  • (+) Lightning Conduit does the damage work automatically for you, so no worry about aiming or distance to invaders.
  • (+) MS allows you to finish off a wave in order to charge MB for the next wave.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X

  • Lightning Conduit's only purpose is to weaken shields. Always try to be in the middle of invaders so there is a higher chance that the Lightning Conduit will split up to hit different invaders.
  • The 2 independent Lightning Conduit will keep targeting the same target until the invader is destroyed.
    • After which, it has a slight tendency to target something that is closer in terms of the angle of the last Lightning Conduit beam.
  • For the best chance to have the both Lightning Conduits target different Sparrows, try to be in the middle of them.
  • In Wave 1-1, if there are only 1 or 2 Sparrows, don't charge MB immediately. Instead, hold on to the screen for 1s, go to the middle of the field and then charge MB.
    • This allows the 2 Sparrows to be instantly destroyed as Wave 1-1 arrives, allowing you to use MB against Wave 1-2 instead.
  • MS and MB are used in alternate turns, and the main helps out a bit in the damage, although the main damage comes from MS and MB. The lack of bullets in such laser missions is what makes Proxymar so strong as bullets are its biggest enemies. In fact, MB can be used every medium wave or above.
  • In early waves, release MS offset downwards from the center of all invaders, due to how most of the missiles from MS are coming out from the front.
  • In early waves, if there is only one Raven at the front, you should opt to perform an imperfect MS barreling on that frontline Raven. This heavily damages the Raven but allows the other invaders behind to absorb most of the MS. How you should do this is to release MS just slightly above the centerline of the Raven's body.
  • Missile barreling is a very important skill for Proxymar. Master it properly to go really fast.
    • This technique is particularly used against Herons in early Acts 1 - 2 (when the Heron is alone, or with only Sparrows).
    • This technique is also used against Eagles frequently. This allows the next wave to either appear faster, or be able to use the next MS. Learn how to perfectly barrel so that the next MS is ready for use immediately.
    • Remember that barreling an Eagle as the last invader on field as that will mean you can't charge MB for the next wave, unless it is Wave 4 of an Act.
  • Positioning is of utmost key, ironically (for an instant tracking main weapon), as MB positioning plays a real part in cutting off precious seconds to jump a few places. Also, the positioning ensures you don't get killed easily by invaders crashing into you.
  • Do not use MB in light waves. Simply use a full size MS to eliminate them all. Once that MS fires, start charging MB for the next wave.
  • When dealing with pellet spinners, it can be a good idea to perform the spinner riding technique to gain free Aura. However, bear in mind this can hurt your positioning in the next wave. It may thus be better if you can simply kill the entire invader(s) with the pellet spinners before it can start firing. This can be done by reserving particles.
    • Another thing that can be done is to barrel MS such that it eliminates the pellet spinner immediately.
    • A full size MS will take down the shield and pop the pellet spinner off.
  • Proxymar requires a lot of approximation. In particular, you must know for the size of MS, how long you have to wait to launch it such that the MS will clear the entire remainder of the wave. This is important for speed as you should be charging MB right after MS fires to save time in the next wave, particularly when MB charge times can get rather long due to how fast Proxymar can be.
  • However, for maximum optimization of MS at the end of the wave, you can continue firing your main for a while more, charging MB such that MB has just nice completed charging as the next wave has arrived.
  • Landing an MBc on a Vulture or larger may not always be the best option. This is because doing so may cause you to overfill on Aura and thus have less MS to use later. If there are a lot of particles upfield, then charge MB more downfield. Landing MBc may not even be beneficial if you notice that you are overfilling, so forgo MBc if you are overfilling on Aura.
  • For even more tips on how to speedrun with Proxymar, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: X

  • (+) Proxymar is one of the easiest FO ships to pick up due to the lack of need to aim.
  • (+) Going really fast is really fun, particularly when there are very little bullets to worry about.
  • (+) Despite its lackluster Lightning Conduit damage, the highly damaging MS and MB more than makes up for it.


  • The base form of Proxymar was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Proxymar was one of the most heavily spammed ships in past Shielded Laser/Pellet missions before v5.0. Practically, every single time this mission comes by, the S+ leagues were always flooded with Proxymars. It got so bad that what it feels like the top 300 places in the S4 leagues were almost purely Proxymars. The only exception where Proxymar didn't dominate was when there was a difficult Roc with tracking lasers and pellet spinners, which was rare before v5.0. Today, however, Proxymar is a bit more difficult to use but still sees some use in easier missions in some of the top spots. Sometimes, a really skilled speedrunner can find a way to clear and take the top spot in a difficult mission.

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Delta (MB Extended Range) - ¢20.000

Value: B
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): C- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C- [No significant change]

  • (+) Helps in catching Ravens and Sparrows far upfield.
  • (-) However, does not help in finishing off the heavily damaged Ravens unless you go near to them, which can be dangerous for most players.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): HX [+]

  • (+) Adds a layer of reliability in catching all invaders on field in the case charging at the extreme upper left or right corner of the field.

Fun Factor: X [No change]

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Beta (MB Core EMP) - ¢10.000

Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: S

Survivability (Daily Missions): C- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C- [No significant change]

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X [No significant change]

  • (+) Possibly makes Proxymar viable for Shuriken/MIRV missions, although usually in gold ranks. In Marshal ranks, some easier Shuriken/MIRV missions allow the use of this apex, although it is usually both stressful to pilot this apex and also is unlikely to get the top spots.
  • (+) A bit more useful for community missions since those are quite bullet heavy and not too hard, this apex makes it easier to use Proxymar in community missions.

Fun Factor: X [No change]

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Dart/MIRV, Dart/Pellet/Laser

Ship Class: Balanced

Main Weapon: Meson Laser

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+
Survivability (Community Missions): C+

  • As the Meson Laser fires in bursts, while the Meson Lasers fire, engage Kappa to charge up a large SEMP. Disengage Kappa once the Meson Laser dies off. Obviously, don't do it when your Aura is already full.
  • (+) The capability to generate lots of SEMP gives you some flexibility to move around.
  • (-) Unfortunately, the lackluster DPS of Oran means that it is very easy to get overwhelmed by bullets and lasers easily.
  • (-) Because the main weapon is instant tracking, and you have little control of where it wants to go, you have to force it to go where you want.
  • (+) Kappa can be used to generate a full or near full SEMP Aura size before the next wave fully arrives.
  • (+) Sparrows mean nothing to Oran because they should all be destroyed the instant the wave begins.
  • If there are invaders hiding behind larger invaders like Vultures or Eagles, use SEMP, then go behind and quickly take out the pesky Ravens. This allows you to refill SEMP quickly.
  • An SEMP at the start of the wave allows you to go near to Ravens to destroy them.
    • The particles collected from destroying several Ravens is sufficient to blast off a 2nd SEMP before the 1st one expires (given enough Ravens on field).
    • This means that after you have exhausted all your SEMPs, there should only be Herons or larger on field.
    • The Herons should also be heavily damaged or destroyed.
  • (-) Annoying to aim the Meson Laser. Depending on where the Meson Laser aims, adjust accordingly so that Ravens get caught in the Meson Lasers.
  • (-) The low DPS of Oran will make it struggle against Eagles and above. In such situations, make sure all the smaller invaders are eliminated before retreating to the bottom of the screen.
  • It's usually not possible to kill a Vulture before it fires its spinners, even after the initial SEMP. Let the spinners fire up for a while and graze off the bullets from the spinner. Just before you think that you are no longer able to handle the bullet walls created, fire the SEMP which should be large enough to keep the spinner from starting again too quickly. Just remember to kill off all the smaller invaders before that happens to gain back sufficient Aura to cover both spinners.
  • (+) Because of how Kappa can get you emergency Aura, and given how fast SEMP increases in radius with little particle input, it may serve you well to on occasions, sacrifice DPS and purely activate Kappa to generate just enough Aura and position yourself so that it just nice covers all dangerous turrets. This move is very useful when you are out of particles and are faced with deadly MIRV Bloomers that are just about to fire.
  • (-) Very hard to pop turrets with the Meson Laser as you need to be right in front of the turrets to do so.
  • (-) The lackluster DPS of Meson Laser doesn't help in popping turrets quickly.
  • (+) Extremely good synergy between Meson Laser and Kappa. Oran generates quite a lot of particles by itself through the use of Kappa, since the rhythm of the Meson Laser is easy to follow which results in great Kappa usage, generating a lot of particles.
  • After using SEMP to wipe out the Sparrows as the wave fully arrives, allow the Meson Laser to go off before engaging Kappa.
  • (-) It is common to cancel the time slowdown by Kappa since it is easy to simply let go after using SEMP.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+

  • (-) The Meson Laser can be very annoying to aim. It sometimes dedicates so many lasers to one Sparrow, wasting a ton of DPS. To minimize this, after that Sparrow is dead, readjust yourself such that it hits the largest invader on field such as a Vulture.
  • Spamming SEMP means that quite a lot of wide but small AoE damage can be done, making it slightly speedy for crowded missions that feature lots of Ravens and Sparrows.
  • Optimizing when to use SEMP is of absolute key in earlier waves. A slightly delayed SEMP to charge more Aura from Kappa makes all the difference in killing Sparrows or not. Be sure to abuse Kappa as much as you can in early waves as the SEMP damage will wipe Sparrows clean.
  • (-) The huge difficulty in speedrunning Mist Star comes in the fact that it is very hard to control how the Meson Laser aims at invaders. This means adapting very quickly to the Meson Laser as it can eliminate Ravens fast.
  • (-) In early waves, since it is difficult to generate SEMP to a sufficiently large size, you have to learn how to redirect the Meson Laser into other Sparrows or other invaders to ensure the Meson Laser leaks as little damage as possible.

Fun Factor: B+

  • (+) The synergy of the Meson Laser and Kappa is very fun to abuse. As the Meson Laser fires, let go. Then when the lasers die down, re-engage touch briefly to trigger the next burst of the Meson Laser. It's very easy to keep the rhythm going.
  • (=) While the guide author personally likes the sound of Meson Laser, it's been compared to nails on a chalkboard and the sound can be a bit piercing to the ears.
  • (+) Many lasers going in different directions is quite a sight to behold.


  • The base form of Oran was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Oran used to have guns in the design of the pre-alpha version of Phoenix 2, as shown below:
  • The Meson Laser used to be 21.25 DPS before the v3.5 update.
  • Oran is the only ship in the game that flies with redundancy, as it has two forms of propulsion, one which is the 2 turbofans, and the other is the traditional thruster at the back of the ship.

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Beta (Kappa Antigrav) - ¢10.000

Value: B
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Helps for heavier waves, where you sometimes need to quickly fire another round of SEMP again before invaders start flooding the field with bullets, especially after a larger invader such as Herons or Eagles are destroyed

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Being able to stun invaders more quickly mid-wave after receiving the particles from destroyed invaders means more maneuverability space to re-direct the Meson Laser where required.

Fun Factor: B+ [No change]

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Delta (Main Weapon Meson Controller) - ¢20.000

Value: B+
Cost vs Utility: A

This apex upgrades the Meson Laser such that there is no leakage in DPS. Meson Lasers that killed Invaders before the burst ends will be redirected into a new burst that is separate from the initial burst. There is no change in how the Meson Lasers look.

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [No change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C+ [No change]

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Particularly helps against earlier Acts since the leakage of the Meson Laser after Sparrows is significant. No more re-directing the Meson Laser and switching between targets manually.
  • (-) However, the desynchronization of the Meson Laser affects how long you can use Kappa between bursts, since you need to wait for all bursts to go off before engaging Kappa. This means less damage from SEMP.

Fun Factor: B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) No leakage of DPS is nice.
  • (-) More difficult to abuse the synergy between the Meson Laser and Kappa.
    • If you want to keep to the rhythm, you will deal less damage from less of the Meson Laser going off.
    • Otherwise, you have to let all the bursts go off, which is quite unpredictable, throwing off the rhythm for playing Oran.
    • Generally, the offset is not so bad and the time between the first and last burst won't exceed 1s.

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Kada Veni

Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Pulse Battery

  • Average DPS = 25
  • Homing = Average
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = Fast
  • Projectile Speed = Fast
  • Slightly homing projectiles that pause for a while after being emitted, and then accelerate

Survivability (Daily Missions): B-
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (-) Because of the horrendous aiming of the Pulse Battery, Kada Veni should be confined to the bottom of the screen.
  • At the end of the wave, as the last invaders are at the back of the field, you should slowly start making your way closer upfield, but stay below the centerline.
  • (+) As the last pulse batteries fire off, deploy a barrier such that the outer edge of the barrier is just in front of any invader, so that you can quickly swipe to the edge of the outer barrier to charge MB.
  • (+) Because the Pulse Battery takes a while to reach its target after it fires, you can slightly pre-charge MB as the last few Pulse Batteries are just emitted and waiting to be launched, killing the last invader on screen.
  • Once MB goes off, the particles you collected when quickly moving upfield to charge MB should give you quite likely, a full size barrier. Quickly deploy this huge barrier after MB goes off, and then push yourself all the way back down to the bottom.
  • Deploy small barriers around yourself where needed to block off difficult to dodge bullet situations.
  • (-) Impossible to pop turrets with Pulse Battery
  • (-) Extremely difficult to control this Pulse Battery main weapon.
  • (+) Despite the Pulse Battery horrendous aiming, the horrendous aiming ironically helps out in destroying heavily damaged Ravens hiding behind a Vulture. Simply go to the extreme side of the field where the Vulture isn’t drifting towards, and the inaccurate main might miss the Vulture, but curve around it to hit the Ravens behind instead.
  • (-) Stay between the 4 front turrets of a Roc, because the aiming of the Pulse Battery is so horrible that going beyond that and some of the projectiles can even miss the Roc entirely.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A-

  • (-) Very awkward speedrunning with Kada Veni. To charge MB optimally, at the end of the wave, as the last of the Pulse Batteries hit the last invader, you need to quickly push up to charge MB at the desired positioning to land MBc properly.
  • If that's only one DDMB and not many other threats around, be sure to get rid of it so that the barriers will last, allowing you to land Pulse Battery more easily. To do this, you can stand right in front of the DDMB you need to destroy.
  • After landing the MBc, immediately retreat back downfield.
  • (-) MB is the only saving grace that helps it to go a little faster, but being unable to utilize it fully pulls Kada Veni back.
  • Unfortunately, it's difficult to give advice how to use the Pulse Battery properly, due to its horrendous aiming.

Fun Factor: A-

  • (-) Kada Veni's main Pulse Battery aiming is so horrible, it's not even funny. This is the very definition of an anti-fun weapon, one that doesn't hit and it's not even your fault.
  • (=) Average Audio & Visuals for the Pulse Battery.


  • The base form of Kada Veni was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Despite the horrid Pulse Battery that has a level of aiming that is similar to Ogon, because Kada Veni still has a strong Aura-Zen combination, it is not really a meme unlike Ogon.
  • Kada Veni used to have guns in the design of the pre-alpha version of Phoenix 2, as shown below:
  • Kada Veni's main weapon used to be HI before it was changed to AP in the v3.0 update.

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Alpha (Main Weapon Launcher Upgrade) - ¢5.000

Value: A+
Cost vs Utility: X

This apex improves the homing capabilities of the Pulse Battery. This is how the improved Pulse Battery looks like:

Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Being able to hit invaders better means clearing out invaders a bit faster so they don't flood the field with too many bullets and lasers.
  • (-) Due to the improved aiming, you can no longer ultilize the technique where you go to the edge of the field and hope the pulse batteries curve around the invaders to reach upfield invaders, making upfield Ravens that survive the MB an issue.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [+]

  • (+) The improved aiming of the ships restores the effective DPS of 25 for Kada Veni, which is a good improvement compared to a weapon that misses coming to half the time especially on smaller invaders.
    • Going near enough to smaller invaders such as Ravens will still make the Pulse Battery miss though.

Fun Factor: A+ [+]

  • (+) The now reliable Pulse Battery effectively completely eliminates the frustration of missing Pulse Batteries, making this ship a fun Barrier-MB ship.

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Gamma (MB Compressed Blast) - ¢15.000

Value: A-
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [--]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [-]

  • (-) The reduction in MB range makes it much more difficult to reach upfield invaders.
  • (-) This is especially when Kada Veni isn't a very strong ship, given most barriers are set up around yourself, which makes charging MB at the center of field very difficult.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [+]

  • (+) The Compressed Blast eliminates 4 Herons in a row more easily, or Herons and/or Eagles on different rows.
  • (-) However, it is difficult to set up the appropriate MB since it is difficult to swipe up, deploy a barrier around yourself, and get into position properly.
  • (+) Since Compressed Blast doesn't have MBc damage anymore, it does mean that the positioning is slightly more lenient in some sense since you don't need to be inbetween 2 Herons or 2 Eagles to land MBc damage on. So there is some tolerance in positioning.
  • (-) Of course, the fact that positioning matters is still relevant as invaders outside the Compressed Blast range will not affected.
  • Charging at the center of the field means that deploying barriers properly is important, such that you won't get shot point blank.

Fun Factor: B+ [--]

  • (-) This apex just makes an already frustrating ship more frustrating to play from not being able to get an optimal MB usage.

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Boomerang
Weak against: Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Attack & Retreat

Main Weapon: Seismic Blaster

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Spread = Narrow
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = Very Fast
  • Projectile Speed = Fast
  • Small projectiles that shoot in a general forward direction with a slight random angular deviance from the vertical

Survivability (Daily Missions): B-
Survivability (Community Missions): B-

  • (-) The random spread of the Seismic Blaster means you need to go near to invaders in order to pop off turrets.
  • Ensure the field is sufficiently clear of bullets at the end of the wave (such that there are very clear places you can hide at) so that you can safely charge MB for the next wave.
  • Once MB goes off, spam PD to clear out the whole mess of bullets headed for you so that you won't die.
  • Afterwards, try to conserve PD until near the end of the wave when few turrets are left active. Kill the last invaders, and use PD to eliminate their bullets to set up properly for the next wave's MB.
  • in the mid-wave, try to graze to get more Aura for the end of the wave.
  • (-) The particles from destroyed Ravens and Sparrows after setting off MB will be able to keep up the elimination of bullets for only a short while.
  • (-) Wrackr is often stuck at the bottom of the screen charging MB in most cases, making it difficult to reach upfield invaders unless it is a wave with a frontline Vulture.
  • (-) This means it's hard to land MBc on any invader.
  • (-) No laser defence. Conserve and use PD to dodge lasers.
  • (-) Bad synergy between the fast traveling Seismic Blaster and MB.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A-

  • Spam PD to stay close and personal to invaders. Doing so also eliminates turrets since grazing is not needed for Wrackr, since the Aura is defensive anyway.
  • As invaders in the wave die out, the threat becomes less so, allowing you to stand back a bit. There's no need to pop all the turrets.
  • Stay in the middle of the field as the last invaders begin to die. This is where you will charge MB.

Fun Factor: A

  • (+) The fast firing main is a sight to behold.
  • (+) Due to its fast firing HI main, you will have a lot of satisfying crits.
  • (+) Very fast paced gameplay with Wrackr.


  • The base form of Wrackr was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Wrackr's main weapon used to be AP before it was changed to HI in the v3.0 update.

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Alpha (Main Weapon Laser Upgrade) - ¢5.000

Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: S

This apex improves its Seismic Blasters such that it eliminates the randomness in the spread, and clearly defines the paths the Seismic Blasters are travelling. This is how the improved Seismic Blasters look like:

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) The increased accuracy of its Seismic blasters allow you to stand as far back as you need and still be able to pop turrets off.
  • (+) Better safety during a wave so you don't get shot point blank by turrets.
  • (+) This also means easier MB setups.
  • (-) However, faster Seismic Blasters also decreases the benefit of being able to stand back.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A- [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A- [No significant change]

  • (-) The faster Seismic Blasters mean that it is harder to charge MB at the center of the field, since less time is available between the last Seismic Blaster projectile finishing off the last invader and the time when the next wave has fully arrived.

Fun Factor: A [No significant change]

  • (+) A different kind of fun to watch the changed Seismic Blaster firing, putting on a bit of a light show.

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Epsilon (PD Bullet Detonator) - ¢25.000

Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) Eliminating invaders a little faster helps a bit in survivability. Since Wrackr will exhaust PD pretty fast after exiting MB, the exit phase is where PD might do damage to invaders as you drain PD.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [+]

  • (+) The close combat fighting style of Wrackr when speedrunning synergizes very well with Bullet Detonator PD.
  • (+) Staying up close to invaders is hugely rewarded with this apex.
  • (+) Under the hells of Shuriken/MIRV missions, this apex can do really well due to the enormous amount of bullets, as well as MB feeding the particles to Wrackr.
  • Like any other Bullet Detonator apex, spinner riding techniques will crush Vultures and larger invaders really quickly.

Fun Factor: S- [++]

  • (+) This apex severely enhances the close combat speedrunning style of this ship.
  • (+) This allows invaders to die quickly under the might of their own invader weaponry, which is hilarious.

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Burst Pulsar

  • Average DPS = 21.25
  • Target Tracking = Instant
  • Weapon Class = Interruptible Burst
    • (Invader Triggered - Synchronous)
  • Rate of Fire = Very Fast
  • Reload Time = Fast
  • Many extremely short bursts of instant tracking lasers that randomly target anything

Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (-) Very limited capability to pop turrets off. The only way to do so is via MS.
  • (-) Even turret popping is hard via MS since the shield needs to be stripped off a Vulture or larger first before MS can go into action to destroy the turret.
  • (-) Impossible to control Burst Pulsar. This particularly makes firing MS at the right time very difficult.
    • The Burst Pulsar targeting is random. However, at the end of every burst, the first Burst Pulsar beam tends to target whatever is in front of Trireme first.
  • The main bulk of Trireme's damage is dealt through MS.
  • The main's only purpose is to strip the invaders of their shield.
  • However, if the wave is dense with only Ravens, then there is simply no point waiting for the Burst Pulsar to cycle through all of them. Simply just fire MS off straight away to deal with the Ravens.
  • Always wait for the shield to be downed before firing MS for all other invaders except Sparrows and Ravens.
  • This requires quite a lot of estimation since you need to know how much can the current size of MS Aura kill. It is ok to overkill slightly and have the missiles re-direct to another invader that still has shields up.
  • Despite the instant tracking main, Trireme actually needs to flail around a lot, this is to get closer to its intended targets that have lost their shields to deploy MS on.
  • Trireme succeeds in dart dodging very well due to its TP. A very common technique to employ is to go to the upper corner of the field, swipe across from one end to another, and then TP down. This distracts dart turrets to fire upwards instead of downwards. This technique is very useful when the screen is getting flooded by MIRVs and shurikens.
  • You will require a lot of TP-ing as you need to distract dart tracking turrets a LOT. It's a lot of hit-and-run emphasis, once you TP, fire MS.
  • Although not frequent, you sometimes need to TP into the thick of the action to fire off MS so that MS can lock on to as many targets as possible, in order not to waste MS. However, since MS kicks into action later, most invaders would be dead after the MS which allows you to collect most of their particles, fulfilling your Aura to a pretty huge size already. This is why it's a less frequent occurrence.
  • There are times where you might want to fire off smaller MS to quickly clear one part of the field to be designated your safe zone you can TP back to. Be also very careful as dense waves run a real risk of turret collision.
  • Unfortunately, Trireme will fare quite bad in a densely populated dart field where there is very little time to think where to position yourself correctly to prepare for the next TP. A lot of practice is needed to understand TP departure techniques as the wrong positioning before charging up TP can put you point blank at a dart tracking turret.
  • The best option is to get nearer or inbetween spread or tracking lasers as those don't fire very often. Just be careful to start your TP departure before the lasers start to charge up (the laser sound cue).

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A-

  • (+) Trireme has absolutely zero damage spill when used right, since MS can retarget and bigger invaders (Vulture and above) don't go down even with their shield down and after one full MS burst on them.
  • Kill Ravens and Sparrows immediately via MS if they are downfield and close to you. This allows the Burst Pulsar to target larger invaders behind them to make use of the SB nature of Burst Pulsar.
  • When dealing with upfield Ravens and Sparrows, make sure you have enough MS to wipe them out as you fire MS to get rid of whatever is in front of them as well. Insufficient MS power means needing the Burst Pulsar to finish them off, which is very inefficient. Or wasting another MS on the remaining damaged Ravens and Sparrows which will waste particles through wasted missiles.
  • When faced with Herons and/or Eagles, make sure their shield is completely stripped away before firing MS. The same applies for Vultures.
  • Generally you would want to group MS usage into: Small invaders, larger invaders which are Herons and Eagles, and finally the "boss" invaders which are Vulture and above. If there are only Herons, then Herons can be grouped with the Vulture.
  • Try not to missile barrel to the point where the invader is killed immediately. Any MS Aura is precious for cutting down on time so don't waste it. You can missile barrel if you don't have less than enough or just enough MS Aura to finish off that invader.

Fun Factor: A+

  • (+) Trireme's main is very satisfying to hear in action since it's so rapid. The Burst Pulsar is very cool to watch as it randomly chooses a new target after the previous hit.
  • (-) Obviously, this comes with disadvantages as it's really hard to predict what Trireme would do next, which can get frustrating as you can't make informed decisions well either.
  • (+) Trireme is very stress free in some sense as none of its offensive means (the main and Aura) require aiming, only MS requires locking on but it's pretty automatic.
  • (+) Speedrunning with Trireme is also very fun due to the flailing around needed.


  • The base form of Trireme was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Trireme was one of the most overpowered ships back in v1.0, due to the overpowered MS.

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Tau (Double Teleport) - ¢40.000

Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Landing safe teleports can be really tricky at times due to the mess of bullets heading in all directions, and this is when the second TP helps to resolve this by letting you use the first one as a scouting TP.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A- [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A- [No significant change]

  • (+) You can use the first TP to go behind larger invaders such as Eagles, Vultures or even Condors to get to upfield Ravens and Sparrows. As you land your first TP, immediately launch MS to get rid of ALL of the Ravens and Sparrows. Try to hang there for a bit (let the second TP stayed charged but hold off using it first), as the destroyed Ravens and Sparrows will then give you particles to deal with the invaders downfield after you strip off their shields. Then use the second TP to get back downfield and continue destroying the downfield invaders.
  • (+) This technique eliminates the need to allocate such a large MS Aura size budget to the invader(s) blocking them, so you can just focus to eliminate that bigger invader without worrying about how much MS Aura is needed to finish off the many other smaller invaders behind.
  • (-) However, this can get risky as mis-estimation will leave heavily damaged Ravens who will then recover their shield, wasting time.
  • Thus, be sure to stock up more than Aura for this technique to be used effectively.

Fun Factor: A+ [No significant change]

  • The "peek-a-boo" technique that is doable with this apex's ability is fun. Bet those invaders didn't expect that MS coming from behind them.

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Gamma (MS Armor Piercing) - ¢15.000

Value: C
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [-]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [-]

  • (-) The extreme main weapon to invader affinity mismatch means it will take a very long time to burn through armored invaders, resulting in longer battles than if Trireme were to just stick with Shielded missions.
  • (+) The only real practical purpose for this apex is to bring it out in community missions that feature a mix of armored and shielded invaders.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+ [--]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B [-]

  • (-) The extreme main weapon to invader affinity mismatch means that compared to using Trireme on the same layout with on a shielded mission mean that Trireme will be much slower than so many other ships.

Fun Factor: B+ [--]

  • (-) Using this apex on an armored mission is just weird.
  • (+) The only reason to get this apex is if you really really love Trireme as a ship, and want to bring it out on more missions. This apex can be used on Armored Laser missions fairly easily since those missions are generally of lower difficulty.

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Lightfury

Main Weapon: Neutron Launcher

  • Average DPS = 25
  • Homing = Very Good
  • Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
  • Rate of Fire = Fast
  • Projectile Speed = Fast
  • Reload Time = Fast
  • 3 successive sets of 2 homing projectiles from each side that shoot out in a forward arc

Survivability (Daily Missions): B+
Survivability (Community Missions): B+

  • (-) The Neutron Launcher is pretty annoying. It does not have perfect homing, so there is quite a noticeable chance that shots will actually miss.
  • This means that you should try to stay downfield, below the middle line, otherwise shots might miss.
  • (-) Very difficult to pop turrets with the Neutron Launcher due to its firing pattern. There's usually no point to bother, just kill the invader as a whole.
  • Cinnri mainly relies on its ML to deal damage. You should always attempt to charge it at the start of every wave.
  • Since Cinnri's Neutron Launcher takes time to travel, you need to be very anticipative on how many more projectiles are needed to kill the remaining invaders on field, as that will mean all the difference in being to pull off an ML in the next wave or not. The uninterruptible burst nature of the Neutron Launcher helps out in that aspect.
  • Cinnri needs to ride up the ML. Because of the imperfect Neutron Launcher homing, this means you only ride up to the center field before you stop and launch an SEMP, before heading back down or getting near to invaders.
  • Cinnri relies a lot on stun locking. This means continuously blasting SEMP into the invaders' face after killing a few small invaders, ensuring they do not have the chance to fire anything.
  • You should then go up to these smaller invaders' face to blast them away quickly to refill your SEMP for a 2nd round.
  • The Neutron Launcher's weak DPS means that it should be only used to finish off invaders. Against Eagles or larger, the Neutron Launcher has not much use.
  • There are 2 distances that Cinnri should be from invaders. Either, stay far away and let the Neutron Launcher find their way to the invaders. Or, go right up to the invaders and blast the Neutron Launcher right in their face.
  • Staying far away is best for the end of the wave when cleaning the last of invaders.
  • In the early wave however, SEMP allows you to get right into the invaders' face to force all the Neutron Launcher damage onto them.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S-

  • The lack of need to aim means a lackluster DPS.
  • You can ride up the first ML, collect particles, and then launch another full or near full size SEMP.
  • Afterwards, head back down and charge a second ML. This applies for waves that have at least 3 Eagles (or anything with the health equivalent).
  • A third ML in the same wave is usually impossible.
  • If you have used 2 MLs in the previous wave, the next wave should have at most only one ML. Otherwise, the charge times will get too long and you will waste too much time.
  • (+) Because of the ability to constantly spam ML, Cinnri makes up for its lackluster DPS.

Fun Factor: S

  • (+) Stun locking with Cinnri is extremely fun. You can fly around the invaders and just laugh at them.
  • (+) The momentum of Cinnri is very fun, riding up ML and then throwing an SEMP in.
  • (-) The Neutron Launcher projectiles can miss easily if you don't stay downfield, causing frustration.
  • (=) Average Neutron Launcher impact sounds.


  • The base form of Cinnri was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Cinnri was one of the "Horsemen" in pre-v3.5 due to the ridiculously long SEMP stun time (5s) and the ridiculously fast ML recovery time (very fast).
  • Before the v4.0 update which introduced Apex forms, the Lambda Apex of Cinnri was teased:
  • Cinnri was used in a banner before, with all three forms, the base form & both its apexes. The banner can be easily found, but here's an early 3D model of Cinnri for the artist before it received its coats of paint for the 3 final models of Cinnri in the poster.

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Lambda (ML Armor Piercing) - ¢30.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (-) Playing Cinnri in an Armored mission is pretty weird, as the lackluster DPS of the Neutron Launcher means it's hard to deal effective damage to armored invaders.
  • (+) However, both SEMP and AP ML allows this apex to be used quite well in easier Armored missions.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [--]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [--]

  • (-) The main weapon to invader affinity mismatch results in this apex being pretty slow, although by spamming the AP ML, it can still be somewhat fast.

Fun Factor: S [No significant change]

  • (+) This apex is an opportunity to bring Cinnri out to more missions, and for a pretty fun ship like Cinnri, that's not really a bad thing.

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Tau (SEMP High Damage) - ¢40.000

Value: S+
Cost vs Utility: S

Survivability (Daily Missions): A- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): A- [++]

  • (+) The significantly faster killing speed of this apex makes Cinnri much easier to survive with, and allows SEMP to take over the main damage dealing aspect for Cinnri for most waves.
  • (+) Simply pull off the ML to kill some of the Ravens to gain enough Aura for full SEMP, then blast it away and in no time, you'll be blasting more of them until before you know it, the whole wave is gone.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S+ [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S+ [+]

  • (+) Because of the need for Cinnri to constantly blast SEMP to deal damage due to its lackluster main DPS, the significant increase in SEMP damage turns Cinnri into an insane AoE damage dealer.
  • (+) When faced with dense waves, this apex simply decimates them all very quickly. This is particularly so in Unprotected missions since 2 full SEMPs can decimate Unprotected Ravens, instead of the usual 3 SEMPs (which honestly will never happen in the same wave).

Fun Factor: S+ [+]

  • (+) It is extremely noticeable how much faster this apex can go, and the fact that the High Damage SEMP can kill Unprotected invaders (especially Ravens) so much more easily is just very satisfying.

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Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, General/Boomerang, General, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: None

Ship Class: Double Defence

Main Weapon: Helix Cannon

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = Fast
  • Projectile Speed = Fast
  • 2 sets of forward firing projectiles that have changing horizontal distance between them in a helix pattern

Survivability (Daily Missions): S+
Survivability (Community Missions): S

  • (+) Despite the fact the 2 defences it has don't quite have a synergy, their near mutual exclusiveness makes it so defensive and covers Phoenix insanely well.
  • (+) BEMP itself is already such a good Aura since you can literally spam it even when empty since it automatically regenerates a bit after use (even without grazing).
  • (+) Under laser fire, use PS where you can.
  • (+) BEMP can be used to cover while PS is recovering after its usage, particularly in laser missions. Use PS to reflect the first round of lasers, then use BEMP to cover yourself just when the second round of lasers is about to fire (assuming the invaders in that wave still exist, of course) in order to reset them.
    • This is particular useful in Roc fights since you can continuously alternate between the 2 abilities, between the Roc's laser cycles, without too much of an issue.
  • (+) PS can also be a great solution to boomerangs in the absence of lasers in that wave since using BEMP may affect boomerang turrets and cause them to fire again immediately (due to the reset stun), leaving you almost defenceless.
  • (+) PS is also a great solution against pellets released by one wavefront of MIRVs in Shuriken/MIRV missions since it's quite easy to keep using BEMP to clear out space and be in lack of BEMP Aura.
  • (+) After using PS, if the wave is still too bullet dense in that you are unable to use Phase Out to jump to a safer spot, a very good strategy is to make use of PS Phase Out to push forward and then immediately use BEMP. You might want to be prepared as this move may result in what it appears to be a time speed-up which may disorientate you.
  • (+) The Helix Cannon is capable of popping off turrets as it is quite highly focused. However, the spread of the Helix Cannon is kind of large, and the continuous stream means it'll take a while for the shield to go down, and then to pop the turret off.
  • (+) Fortunately BEMP is the perfect tool to keep Phoenix perfectly aligned to the turret.
  • Use BEMP for most matters, and PS as a backup in case BEMP is low.
  • (-) Difficult to pop off difficult-to-reach turrets on Rocs and Condors due to the Helix pattern of the Helix Cannon. It will take a lot longer for it to be popped off, although BEMP does a good job of keeping your best focus on eliminating these turrets.
  • (-) Unfortunately, a front heavy wave, especially those with many varieties of turrets, meaning boomerangs, spinners, MIRVs and lasers spell trouble as the Double Defence can only last you so long against the onslaught of everything. These kind of waves are generally very rare but if it hits, you'll have to rely on savaging the remaining particles floating around on screen (coupled with your fully size BEMP at the start) to constantly fire off small BEMPs to save yourself, using PS very tactfully for Phase Out to eliminate bullets.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B-

  • (-) Double Defence means Phoenix isn't capable of speedrunning.
  • (+) However, in laser missions, the massive amount of lasers increases Phoenix's speed by the laser reflection damage. Similarly, slightly laser heavier missions like Dart/Pellet/Laser also sees good usage of PS to deal counter-offensive damage.
  • Optimizing the Helix Cannon is key. Use BEMP just as you finish destroying one invader and need to move to another invader that is at the other side of the field to ensure minimal Helix Cannon spillage.
  • (-) It's easy to accidentally strip invader shields when switching targets quickly.
    • Remember to check for invaders that have their shields downed and go back very briefly to damage them before they regenerate their shields.
  • Given the medium speed of the Helix Cannon, you can stay on the column where Sparrows would appear. Just before the Sparrows arrive fully, swap over to the other side of the field where the other column of Sparrows are. This allows you to instantly eliminate 2 columns of Sparrows.

Fun Factor: B

  • (+) A classic for many returning players sure make it a vintage and invokes a feeling of deja vu. Even though most of the Phoenix's weapons are taken out, the most classic and unique helix cannon is retained.
  • (+) Phoenix is a very easy to handle ship due to its straightforward nature and plenty of defensive option, which makes it pretty fun to play at times.
  • (+) Very easy to understand Helix Cannon. Just straightforward, always firing.
  • (+) The classic Helix Cannon makes a pretty interesting sound.


  • The base form of Phoenix was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The Delta Apex of Phoenix, being one of the most popular apexes, is commonly referred to Deltix in Phoenix 2 communities. It is sometimes referred to as Delnix or Deltnix, but Deltix is still the most commonly used term for Phoenix Delta.
  • Phoenix is one of the 5 ships that got brought over from Phoenix 2's predecessor game, Phoenix HD.
  • Phoenix is the only Phoenix HD ship that made it into the first version (v1.0) of Phoenix 2. Other Phoenix HD ships were only added in subsequent versions of Phoenix 2.
  • Phoenix is also the only ship from Phoenix HD that received the ship rarity of Rare while the other 4 ships from Phoenix HD are Super Rare in rarity.
  • The Phoenix in the predecessor game of Phoenix 2, Phoenix HD, had many different weapon systems. Thus, only the iconic Helix Cannon, which is also the first weapon system in Phoenix HD, is replicated. The missiles from Phoenix HD are also replicated in Phoenix 2, but only in the apexes of Phoenix.
  • Ships in Phoenix 2 no longer have descriptions, but since Phoenix was brought over from Phoenix HD, the description given to Phoenix in Phoenix HD is: All-round fighter with a diverse arsenal of weapons. Obviously, this is no longer true in Phoenix 2 since Phoenix now only has the Helix Cannon, or an addition of the missiles if apexed.
  • It is possible that the decision of the Aura and Zen of Phoenix are directly influenced from the pick-ups in Phoenix HD itself. There is a pick-up which clears all bullets currently on screen, and another pick-up that deploys a personal shield around your ship, although it is completely mobile, but lasts only a short while (about the same max duration of PS though).
  • Interestingly, it might had been possible that Phoenix was not even supposed to make it into the first release of the game. In a pre-alpha version of Phoenix 2, the ship in-between Cinnri and Buhloo was a totally different ship, as shown below. This ship was never named and thrown out early.
  • Both Phoenix apexes are some of the only apexes that have an additional hidden change to them, adding the vintage missiles from Phoenix HD to the main. The missiles are additional DPS on top of the base 31.25 DPS, making Phoenix apexes very worthwhile to get, and is also a vintage purpose. 2 missiles kill a Sparrow.
  • Before the v4.0 update which introduced Apex forms, the Beta Apex of Phoenix was teased on the Phoenix 2 Twitter / X:
  • The Beta Apex of Phoenix is also the ship used in the prologue of the game. In the beginning stages of the prologue, the ship is shown to be "broken down" and has some flames coming out of it. The normal Helix cannon is only enabled at first, only after the first few Sparrows are eliminated, then the vintage missiles are then added in to properly represent the apex's hidden change.
  • The Beta Apex of Phoenix is also featured in the new game preview video of Phoenix 2.
  • For obvious reasons, Phoenix is the very symbol of Phoenix 2 and is featured everywhere on online Phoenix 2 places. The loading screen in Phoenix 2 and the cover banner for the web reddit of Phoenix 2 feature a 3D perspective of Phoenix.
  • Phoenix was also used as the album cover art of the Phoenix 2 Game Soundtrack for Strings of Valour. In some places, Phoenix has replaced Fujin as the album cover art for Horns of Despair as well.
  • Here are also some early sketches of the OG ship:
  • Here's also how Phoenix looked like in Phoenix HD. It bears a lot more weapons than it has now in Phoenix 2:
  • Here are some additional 3D renders of the OG ship:
  • You can also view some additional renders and versions on the classic ship Phoenix in the following link:
  • Given that Phoenix is the titular ship of Phoenix 2, many different app icons involving Phoenix was being trialed. Here are all the different combinations tried:
  • The dev even tried making a flying manga girl wearing parts of Phoenix. He affectionately called it Phoenette, pictured below:
  • Here's a representation of Phoenix cheering made by one of the game artists, Romano Molenaar:

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Both apexes add the vintage missiles from Phoenix HD, which look like this:

Delta (BEMP Destructive Wave) - ¢20.000

Value: X
Cost vs Utility: X

Survivability (Daily Missions): X [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): X [++]

  • (+) The vast increase in DPS for Phoenix from both the vintage missiles and most importantly, the BEMP Destructive Wave allows Phoenix to effectively deal against frontline Eagles effectively enough, fixing its one minor flaw that Phoenix has.
  • (+) It also fixes the inability of Phoenix to reach damaged invaders that had their shield stripped off previously while switching targets, so these invaders do not regenerate their shields.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [++++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [++++]

  • (+) The continuous stream of the Helix Cannon can sometimes be difficult to estimate when to quickly switch target to another invader. The vintage missiles are thus able to clean up and kill off whatever you may have overestimated. Just remember that the vintage missiles may not always hit the heavily damaged invaders as you expect it to.
  • (+) The continuous stream of Helix Cannon also makes it easy to strip shields without you realizing it, which can result in a lot of regeneration of shields as you focus fire a larger invader. This apex stops invaders from regenerating their shields.
  • (+) Eliminates Sparrows like they don't exist. No more switching targets from killing Sparrows that leak DPS from the Helix Cannon.
    • The continuous stream of the Helix Cannon which isn't very damaging in terms of damage per projectile means that it can be difficult to do a quick sweep of all Sparrows on screen, and doing a slower sweep risks leaking some DPS.
    • Helps in annoying waves with continuous dart streamer Sparrows that are everywhere and/or hiding behind other invaders. One BEMP and they are all gone.
  • (+) Because Phoenix has 2 forms of defences, there are just times you don't quite need the BEMP especially when in certain waves where you can just inch your way around the field to avoid bullets. You can now start using BEMP for damage instead of just letting it do nothing.
  • (+) Because of the significantly ease of optimizing the Helix Cannon and the AoE damage provided by BEMP, this apex actually turns Phoenix into a very respectable speedrunner, especially on days where some Shielded missions can get very hard.
  • (+) It can also be used to speedrun community missions where dense waves are frequently present.
  • Strip Ravens of their shields first before using Destructive Wave BEMP. Ideally, you would want to weaken the Ravens to the point they would die after the Destructive Wave BEMP hits them.
  • If the Ravens are stacked upon each other, ignore them first and try to weaken the other Ravens. Then go back to them and launch Destructive Wave BEMP before any one of them bunched up Ravens die. The best case scenario, of course, is that they separate from each other so you can go and weaken each of them previously bunched up.
  • In waves with Sparrows in front of other invaders, try to avoid as many Sparrows as possible and aim down the largest invader where possible. Once the shield of the invader is stripped, launch Destructive Wave to deal damage to the invader and kill all the Sparrows.
  • For even more tips on how to speedrun with this apex, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: S [++++]

  • (+) The addition of the vintage missiles is a really cool addition.
  • (+) Being able to use BEMP as an offensive tool allows Phoenix to deal constant AoE damage from the large amount of BEMP. With this apex, Phoenix no longer feels boring to play. Instead, you'll be looking for means to utilize this powerful Destructive Wave ability to the best of your ability.

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Beta (PS Supersize) - ¢10.000

Value: B+
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): S+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): S [No significant change]

  • (+) An increase in DPS means less to contend with.
  • (+) The increased PS size means a bit more laser reflection damage, which also means not having to survive so long with too many threats on field.
  • (+) The increase in PS size also means more effective Phase Out usage to clear more bullets and possibly pave the way to the other side of the field, useful when BEMP is running low.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) The continuous stream of the Helix Cannon can sometimes be difficult to estimate when to quickly switch target to another invader. The vintage missiles are thus able to clean up and kill off whatever you may have overestimated. Just remember that the vintage missiles may not always hit the heavily damaged invaders as you expect it to.

Fun Factor: B+ [+]

  • (+) The addition of the vintage missiles is a really cool addition.

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Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV

Ship Class: Blitzkrieg

Main Weapon: Quantum Prisms

Survivability (Daily Missions): C-
Survivability (Community Missions): C-

  • (-) No defence at all.
  • (=) The Quantum Prisms are forward firing, but they take a while to pop off a turret. If you score a crit however, the turret gets popped off a lot faster.
    • This aspect is quite annoying as it's entirely RNG based.
  • (+) Easy to handle Quantum Prisms. It pretty much fires all the time so it's like a continuous stream weapon.
  • (+) LS does assist slightly in turret popping.
  • (+) With both Quantum Prisms and LS combined, it can make popping turrets fairly easy, and it can even reach some difficult-to-reach turrets on Condors and Rocs.
    • However, it's difficult to keep yourself well positioned to attack these turrets until they are destroyed.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S-

  • (+) Because of the really long duration of the Quantum Prisms, it synergizes extremely well with MB and LS.
  • While the Quantum Prisms and LS are firing to take out the last of the invaders, start charging MB (after correct positioning, always wait for the tracking dart turrets to fire first). When the next wave comes in, even if it has Ravens coming in first, MB is immediately ready to fire.
  • Take out turrets that inhibit the charging of MB, like darts and boomerangs. Darts will always be the priority over boomerangs. Of course, be sure to take out dangerous turrets like bullet MIRV ones.
    • You may choose to ignore T2 dart launchers, since while staying still to charge MB, these dart launchers are unlikely to kill you.
  • The last invader to die in the wave before you charge MB should be the largest invader on field. By then however, all of its threatening turrets that prevent charging MB should be eliminated.
    • If the last invader is a smaller one like a Heron or smaller, use LS to eliminate it and don't bother using Quantum Prisms to finish off the job, since it is more important to set up MB correctly for the next wave.
  • (+) It's almost always possible to land MBc correctly due to the insane synergy between all of Quantum Prisms, LS and MB.
  • (+) Use LS as the wave begins (after the MB goes off), and excess Aura energy from the many dead Ravens can be reserved for near the end of the wave to chain LS and main together and start charging an MB as mentioned above.
  • (-) It is unfortunate, however, that LS just doesn't deal enough damage (and quickly enough as well) to make Buhloo amongst the top speedrunners, but it is one ship that can occupy the top spots in the right hands, though it will never be BoB worthy.

Fun Factor: S+

  • (+) Speedrunning with Buhloo is a high adrenaline gameplay, given that you'll be moving around quite a lot with Buhloo in order to pop off turrets.
  • (+) The long sustained burst means that if you score a crit, the long sustaining crit sounds are very satisfying to hear.
  • (-) Of course, on the flip side, the crits are random and can be difficult to estimate when to switch targets.
  • (+) An easy to handle speedrunning ship due to its straightforward Quantum Prisms.
  • (+) The ease associated with setting off MBs mean a lot of MBs can be easily charged, making lots of BOOOOM.
  • (+) Buhloo is one of the smallest ships in the game in terms of physical size, and thus has an extremely easy to grasp reactor position.


  • The base form of Buhloo was designed by Romano Molenaar, while the apexes were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • Buhloo was one of the OP ships back in v1.0, constantly occupying the top spots, where LS & MB was OP as well. Not to mention, the long firing main was also the reason for this, as chaining MB and LS with the main was an insane combo. Furthermore, there were no charge increase times for zens back in v1.0, making MB very abusable.
  • Another reason for why Buhloo was so OP back in v1.0 is because back then, while Aura is in use, the main would stop firing. The thing is, Buhloo didn't care, as once the main started to fire, it won't stop even as LS goes off. There would be a little bit of downtime as the last of LS goes off, but the penalty wasn't that bad considering how OP LS was back in v1.0.
  • Buhloo has the longest burst in the game, at 2000ms.
  • The "wings" of Buhloo Epsilon are translucent (you can slightly see the background on the wings).

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Epsilon (LS High Power) - ¢25.000

Value: S+
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): C [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [+]

  • (+) The faster destruction of invaders make surviving easier.
  • (+) This apex allows Buhloo to pop turrets off even more quickly. In fact, it's much easier to pop off turrets, even those that are difficult-to-reach turrets on Condors or Rocs.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S+ [+]

  • (+) The fast speed of Buhloo means that LS often overfills. This apex fixes that.
  • (-) However, because LS is shorter, it is slightly harder to pull off MBs now. You have to sacrifice safety for even more speed.
  • Just make sure that if you need to charge MB for the next wave, only use LS if the last invaders are smaller invaders such as Herons and below, otherwise it can be easy to miss the last invaders and waste some time trying to chase them down.
    • This also depends on what's coming up in the next wave as larger invaders in front mean more time for MB to charge.

Fun Factor: X [++]

  • (+) The increased capability to pop turrets off make Buhloo even more fun, as you can laugh at severely stripped down invaders. Expect to see more occurrences of this.
  • (+) Buhloo now goes EVEN faster, so EVEN more fun.

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Gamma (MB Extended Range) - ¢15.000

Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C- [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C- [No significant change]

  • (+) In the case where charging optimal MBs are not possible, this apex allows Buhloo to charge downfield a little more easily but still be able to deal against upfield Ravens and Sparrows. This scenario is only likely to occur if you use Buhloo in a very dart heavy mission where it is too difficult to pop off all the dart turrets.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]

  • (+) Helps in very select few waves where charging MB nearer to the center of the screen would not be possible, like waves with too many darts.

Fun Factor: S+ [No change]

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